There are several locations on the info-webs where you can find up to date (or at least nearly up to date) statistics on the coronavirus pandemic.
However, not all sites are equal of course. Often what you find is the total number of infection and death. But that does not exactly convey the whole picture. For example if the total number of cases in the US is 300 million it would give the reader a sense that everyone is infected. Essentially this metric conveys how many people have contracted the virus, but not the total number of people that have it present. I for one find it useful to know how many people have recovered from the virus.
The site linked to the image provides these numbers, as well as other relevant information such as the number of new cases. During this time of “limbo” it helps to get a sense where things are going.
*** Bear in mind that the number of “recovered” is not available for every country.