Proof! We want proof or it isn’t real. Without proof it is fake news. Without proof it is a global scientific conspiracy trying to bring down “fill in what validates you here“.
I have seen this sort of thinking over the past few years. First with regards to climate change and now with regards to the coronavirus. Well I have some bad news for those who demand absolute proof. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS ABSOLUTE PROOF. And if your requirement to believe anything has to do with so-called scientific proofs, you might as well go live in a cave.
Seriously, people of the world, and of this reality need a serious change in perspective when it comes to technology and science.
99.9% of all the technology and knowledge that we have about the world and the universe is all just theory. Planes, cars, phones, computers, etc… all of it is based on theory. Why? “any idea, no matter how widely accepted today, could be overturned tomorrow if the evidence warranted it”
According to wikipedia: Science (from the Latin word scientia, meaning “knowledge”) is a systematic enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the universe.
Testable explanations and predictions about the universe. That is all science is. There is no absolute. Take gravity as an example. Most regular people (communists) accept that reality of gravity, but what if I told you there is no proof that it exists as we define it today? “But wait, if I drop a ball and it falls, is that not proof?” Well, first of a scientist would go further. He would setup an experiment so that he can get reproducible results, drop the ball many many times. Time the drop and calculate the numerical value of gravity on earth. Even going that far the scientist would not say that gravity is proven. In fact it might raise more questions than answers. Like, why gravity is different on different planets? What causes gravity?
Just because scientists have a higher threshold for what they call proof, doesn’t change what they have observed, it doesn’t some how invalidate their predictions of how things will turn out. The universe is a complex place, and the only thing we have to go buy is quantifiable observations of the universe, in an attempt to predict and accumulate knowledge for the advancement of man.
The next time you get on that plane for a trip, keep in mind that the plane stays in the air because of scientific theories, not proofs. And if you don’t believe in science unless there is proof, then you are about to fly on a fictitious plane based on fake information.